Thursday, January 04, 2007

Toothless in Summerland

Last night I was brushing Rachel's teeth and took a look at the recent wiggly one. It seemed very strange when on Christmas she complained that her tooth hurt. I didn't once suspect it being loose, as Cory was well into Grade 1 before he lost any teeth. After wiggling it slightly, she was convinced it would come out that night. Well, just one week later, she was begging me to tie a string around it like we did with Cory's. So out came the dental floss and I wrapped it around and gave a little tug. It pulled it a bit and with one more wiggle from mom, out came a little tooth. She was excited to loose her first tooth! I couldn't believe that my little girl was old enough for that.
We had to call grandma and Grandpa and Baba and Deda right like this had to be shared. At first she wanted to keep the tooth for a day and show Avery, but quickly changed her mind and set it out in a container of water for the tooth fairy. This morning she bounded into our room with her blackened sweet smile and container of red water from the tooth fairy. When she takes the tooth, she magically transforms the water to a new colour and leaves a toonie!! She was sure to show off her water, toonie and sweet toothless smile to her best bud Avery today!!


Anonymous said...

Love that black hole in your smile Rach!

Heidi said...

Avery can't understand why Rachel, who is smaller than her has lost a tooth first. She keeps trying to wiggle her teeth with optimism that I don't have the heart to tell her they really don't wiggle. You have been a very busy blogger. You should see these pics on our new big screen!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how early she lost it - something I'll be dealing with before I know it, I guess :)

GREAT pictures!!

Poetsch Family said...

wow, she lost one in Kindergarten. That is so awesome and cute. You know you can get the cutest scrapbooking paper. I am just about to do Vayda's ToothFairy Page.

Vicki said...

Yay Rachel! Congratulations on your tooth loss! Megan lost her first tooth July 28 - just before kindergarten started (wierd, I remember the exact date) so it seems about right. Still, other kids her age are still waiting on the tooth fairy. Every child is so different. You've blogged A LOT since last time I was on the internet. I have to catch up!! I'm excited to look at all your pictures!

Christy and Dustin said...

Good for her! And good for you for pulling it out! I'm a bit squeemish when it comes to teeth.